healthcare, medical, training
We know the sacrifice that Caregivers make for their loved ones. Our organization looks for resources to help providers and caregivers care for your loved ones. We have met with AFFECTS a Texas based entity that is well known for Innovation, Creativity and...
auditing, billing, compliance, dental, government investigations, healthcare, medical, OIG, outsourced billing, revenue cylce, speaking event, training
March 1, 2011California Association of Medical Providers & Suppliers Angela Miller speaking for Zirmed Financial Workout Webinar Series April 20, 2011 VGM’s Heartland Conference June 8 – 9, 2011 Texas Osteopathic Medical Association June 17, 2011 10am-noon...
compliance, medical, speaking event, training
I will be speaking at Medtrade Fall 2010, November 18 at 8:30am-9:30am. Learn the misconceptions of filing with the KX Modifier. Also learn what you must have in your file for medical necessity documentation to submit a claim with the KX Modifier. With so many...