healthcare, medical, outsourced billing
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMay 2, 2012CONTACT: Julia Lawless/Antonia Ferrier (Hatch) (202) 224-4515Communications Office (Baucus) (202) 224-4515 HATCH, BAUCUS LEAD FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS IN BIPARTISAN EFFORT TO COMBAT WASTE,...
auditing, healthcare, medical, outsourced billing
As I understand it, all Oxygen and CPAPs in all Medicare MAC regions are on prepayment status. This means you will be getting additional documentation or development request letters to provide documentation to support medical need prior to the claims being paid. ...
auditing, compliance, healthcare, medical, training
Medical Auditing Solutions LLC launched the Compliance University in September 2011 and is please to announce that for 6 of the programs we have received Continuing Education Credits by Texas Occupational Therapist Association (TOTA) (15 hours) , Texas Board...
auditing, healthcare, medical
For Round 2 of Competitive Bidding, your credit report must be dated prior to bid opening of January 30, 2012. The credit report cannot be more than 90 days old either. You may use Experian, Equifax, TransUnion, Standard & Poors or Dun & Bradstreet. Posted By...