Is Your Staff Up To Date?

In certain industries, you need to be more than just good enough. When you work with people, then it’s important to keep their safety and wellbeing at the forefront of everything you do. Not only is this vital for your patients, but government agencies and...

Comprehensive Compliance Efforts Bring Results

When it comes to protecting your patients and your staff, compliance plays a huge role. And as a dental healthcare provider, there are many different things that you need to track in order to be effective. For some practices, handling it all in house is simply not an...

Be Prepared For An Audit

Compliance is not sexy nor fun to talk about. As a healthcare professional, you need to take steps to stay compliant, especially if you accept government programs like Medicaid, and Tricare. Medicare only in surgical and reconstruction cases are covered.  But even if...

Doing Things Right…The First Time

If your office struggles with compliance issues, then it is time to talk about ways to improve your process. This is a common slip-up in the world of dentistry, and without the right training, your team could constantly experience issues with both your billing and...