auditing, healthcare, medical
For Round 2 of Competitive Bidding, your credit report must be dated prior to bid opening of January 30, 2012. The credit report cannot be more than 90 days old either. You may use Experian, Equifax, TransUnion, Standard & Poors or Dun & Bradstreet. Posted By...
auditing, billing, compliance, dental, government investigations, healthcare, medical, OIG, outsourced billing, revenue cylce, speaking event, training
March 1, 2011California Association of Medical Providers & Suppliers Angela Miller speaking for Zirmed Financial Workout Webinar Series April 20, 2011 VGM’s Heartland Conference June 8 – 9, 2011 Texas Osteopathic Medical Association June 17, 2011 10am-noon...
auditing, healthcare, speaking event
Medtrade will be here in just a few short weeks. I would like to meet the health care providers attending. I am taking appointments now. This is a tough time for health care providers and I would like to take the opportunity to shake your hand and pat you on the...
auditing, healthcare, medical
Beware, this is just one region that has published the date of death audit for DME and inpatient facilities such as rehab, hospital, LTC, SNF facilities. This audit is done periodically and most suppliers are hit with a few thousand to upwards of $20K in overpayment...
auditing, billing, compliance, healthcare, medical, revenue cylce
The American Health Lawyers listserv released yesterday, there are numerous revocations across physician, physician groups, and DME providers for failure to respond to 855 validation or update requests or the provider was not open or available during a sight visit. ...
auditing, compliance, healthcare, medical, outsourced billing
Here are some tips for added security, but this is not a substitute for using an IT person, who is familiar with HITECH/Red Flag Regulations. Remember, encryption prevents the need to report disclosures to HHS and avoids penalties. These are not the only solutions,...